May 30Liked by Maximilian P Siddell

Another great chapter, man. Agree with Reginald’s comment. Really unique worldbuilding there.

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May 29Liked by Maximilian P Siddell

What a feat! Vorn and Thoh are formidable when paired, they have so much power.

Using the body of Sko to sail the Emptiness was very clever.

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Thank you for reading.

The union between the storm god and the god of magic/knowledge is a classic indo-european mythological motif, I had to include a reference to it.

Yeah ships sailing through space in little pockets of atmosphere is something that comes into play much later in the timeline of my fantasy setting, this was kind of showing how that was first invented.

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May 29Liked by Maximilian P Siddell

Ahh, thank you for that context. I can appreciate the story's elements even better now.

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